Module bluetooth HC06 - commande AT
Le module HC-06 est une passerelle Bluetooth. Attention, il possède un jeu de commandes AT plus limité que le module HC-05.
Voici la liste des commandes AT :
Commande | Réponse | Action |
AT | OK | Used to verify communication |
AT+VERSION | OKlinvorV1.8 | The firmware version (version might depend on firmware) |
AT+NAMExyz | OKsetname | Sets the module name to “xyz” |
AT+PIN1234 | OKsetPIN | Sets the module PIN to 1234 |
AT+BAUD1 | OK1200 | Sets the baud rate to 1200 |
AT+BAUD2 | OK2400 | Sets the baud rate to 2400 |
AT+BAUD3 | OK4800 | Sets the baud rate to 4800 |
AT+BAUD4 | OK9600 | Sets the baud rate to 9600 |
AT+BAUD5 | OK19200 | Sets the baud rate to 19200 |
AT+BAUD6 | OK38400 | Sets the baud rate to 38400 |
AT+BAUD7 | OK57600 | Sets the baud rate to 57600 |
AT+BAUD8 | OK115200 | Sets the baud rate to 115200 |
AT+BAUD9 | OK230400 | Sets the baud rate to 230400 |
AT+BAUDA | OK460800 | Sets the baud rate to 460800 |
AT+BAUDB | OK921600 | Sets the baud rate to 921600 |
AT+BAUDC | OK1382400 | Sets the baud rate to 1382400 |